devin's Negative (Effect)

by Devin Mullins


It simply negates the signal. Can be used when manually creating a subtractive synth sound, or, if you pan a mono sound to the left and its negative to the right, you get a neat, spacey "outside" type sound.

What's new

Release 1 Initial release


P a r a m e t e r s

Gain This is the number (from -1 to 1) to multiply the signal by. Default is -1.
Zero The point which to consider 0. (The line around which the signal is reflected.) The point of this is to create a constant offset, in case you want to feed it into a amplitude modulator. It's disabled currently, though.

Semi-legal stuff

1)You are free to use, distribute, or dissassemble this machine, for any purpose, as long as my name, and my e-mail remain.

2)I just wanted to say that my purpose in building this is not to get my name out with little work, and to end up producing a lot of overhead (such a tiny task for an entire machine). This is for the guy who can't code in C or doesn't own MSVC++, but still wants to make his own stuff out of the basic building blocks--that and this was my first machine, just for the sake of learning the buzz machine architecture.


If you like and use devin's plugins, you can thank him. If you actually want to donate money (after you have donated to oskari and the rest, of course, and you're still feeling generous), just e-mail me and I'll hook you up with my mailing address.

Contact Information

Author Devin Mullins aka devin